I have been waiting forever to get this nail polish and I finally got around to buying it! Not to mention that it was on sale at Target for like $5 which is almost $3 cheaper than the normal price of it here. Like all Essie nail polishes, of course, I am very satisfied with it. It is a beautiful sky blue. Easy to apply and opaque too. It applied evenly in two coats. I recommend getting this nail polish too!
The only thing that kind of turns me away from it than it normally would is that I noticed that it looks a lot like Essie's Smooth Sailing. Of course, this color came out before Smooth Sailing came out, but I think if you're looking for Smooth Sailing and the store is out of it, this would be a pretty close alternative. Or visa versa. Smooth Sailing is slightly darker and has more shimmer to it though compared to Coat Azure. I have both though so I kind of almost have two of the same nail polish. Oh well. More to add to my collection I guess :)
Overall: I loved this polish but I feel like it needs to stand out more against Smooth Sailing. Other than that it's a beautiful color.